The Motor: AC Author News, Mar 8-Apr 4, 2015

The Coil
The Coil
Published in
2 min readJul 2, 2016

Post originally published on 4/4/15

•Alternating Current has two off-site AWP reading events set up in Minneapolis. The first is a rockin’ house party, featuring readings, BYOB, and chips, on Thursday, April 9th. The readers are: Al Kratz, Wyl Villacres, Justin Lawrence Daugherty, David Olimpio, Joel Hans, Roy G. Guzmán, Holly M. Wendt, Ben Tanzer, Christina Collins, and Eric Shonkwiler. Find out more and join us via the Facebook event page. Our second event is Friday, April 10th, at Bar Zia. The show will feature Jim Warner, Steven LaFond, Ashley Strosnider, Ray Shea, Amanda Miska, Eric Shonkwiler, and Jared Yates Sexton. Find out more about that show via the Facebook event page. You can find us during the AWP conference at Booth 937, and our Coil Select author, Eric Shonkwiler, will also be signing at the MG Press Booth 2032 at these times.

Eric Shonkwiler was interviewed by Dane Elcar, including a new snippet of the just-released audiobook version of Shonkwiler’s debut, Above All Men, for the new Fiddleblack podcast. The audiobook was also featured as a tie-in for an article on beers of the apocalypse on Beer Guy LA.

•Doug Holder interviewed Margot Livesey on Your Listen.

•Congratulations to Carmen Lau (artemisathene) for the acceptance of her story, “Poppies,” into the forthcoming Vol 9:1 issue of NANO Fiction.

•Congratulations to Phillip Larrea for the publication of his piece, “Brujerian Slaves,” on That Lit Site, and for the acquisition of his forthcoming poetry book, West of Angels, by Coldwater Press.

•Congratulations to Alternating Current staffer, Laura Citino, for the publication of “Ghost Cells” on Big Truths.

•Robert James Russell was interviewed on Michigan Quarterly Review and will be teaching an upcoming writing workshop in May at Great Lakes Commonwealth of Letters.

•Congratulations to Jessica Harman for the publication of her new book, Missed Connections.



The Coil
The Coil

Indie press dedicated to lit that challenges readers & has a sense of self, timelessness, & atmosphere. Publisher of @CoilMag #CoilMag (