[Halloween Special] Feast

José Alves de Castro
The Coin Man
Published in
2 min readOct 31, 2021

Everything was frozen.

Everything was still.

An accident was still unfolding right ahead.

Or was it stopped?

Nothing seemed to be happening, but bodies were floating in mid-air and an explosion seemed to be frozen halfway through.

There was sound, but it was muffled, as a speaker in constant humming in the distance.

Then, a regular sound from behind.

A deep, dark, and slow voice.

- Hello.

- What’s going on? Wait… I can’t… I can’t seem to be able to turn…

- You can, but terribly slow… just like everything else you’re seeing…

- What is happening?

- You died. You’re finally free from your body.

- What?

Oddly, most feelings seemed to have remained with the cadaver, and everything seemed to make sense.

- What happened?

- As I said, you died.

- But how?

- I don’t know. I just got here.

There was a slight pause.

- Who are you?

- You tend to call me Death, so I have taken that name.

- You killed me?

- No… I just got here.

- Did you know I was going to die?

- No. I just roam around and I find you as you die, and then I prepare you.

- Is that what you’re doing? I can feel something, but it’s… weird…

- It’s weird because you don’t have a body, but this will keep you safe.

- Oh… thank you, I guess. What is that?

- Don’t worry. It’ll just keep you cozy and in one place. I know you can barely move, but I really want you to be as still as possible. You’re going to be here a while.

- A while? How long?

- Probably until everybody else dies.

- That long? Why?

- I’m not hungry yet.



José Alves de Castro
The Coin Man

VP of Engineering by Day, Evil Magician by Night, now writing Science Fiction short stories by Twilight. https://www.patreon.com/CoinManStories