
José Alves de Castro
The Coin Man
Published in
3 min readSep 11, 2016

The so-called Immo-pill wasn’t a pill at all, but no one seemed to care.

It didn’t grant you immortality either, but it was close enough.

With a custom made treatment for each individual, each person could pretty much become as young or old as they desired, and if the treatment continued, so did the effects.

It had been in development for as long as anyone could remember, and now it had finally come from a distant dream to a reality that would soon be available to everyone.

Well, everyone with money, probably.

Nowadays, some rats had been alive for more than a decade — which is quite incredible, if you don’t consider that the poor things had spent all that time undergoing tests in a lab.

Jacob and Elise had been anticipating the press conference for a while. Or show; it was more like a show.

There were those who were young and could wait, there were those that had seen the news about the treatment but never got to see it become a reality, and then there were people like Jacob and Elise, for whom the pill — that really wasn’t a pill — was about to come just in time.

Jacob and Elise were both old and parts of their bodies had failed already. Some had been replaced, some were no longer working at full capacity, but they managed.

Without the pill, none of them would have much more time left.

They were very much in love and had been so for several decades. But they were also in love with life.

They both felt they had so much more to live, and they both worried constantly about losing the other one.

The pill would arrive just in time.

They watched the show at home.

Everyone watched the show!

And the pill matched the expectations!

The presentation covered everything: the manufacturing process, the treatment, the benefits, some minor side effects, testimonials and case studies with people that now looked younger than they did a year before; everything was covered, including how to apply for the treatment.

Jacob and Elise watched and listened carefully to every bit of explanation, getting happier with every bit of information; they were holding hands real tight, thinking of the journeys they could still make, of the places they could still see.

The miracle drug could offer them decades of adventure with each other.

They watched closely until just one tiny piece of information was left, and then the show ended shortly after.

They remained silent; still holding hands, but not as tight.

They avoided looking at each other.

That last bit of information changed everything.

They both knew what it meant.

The price meant only one of them could have it.

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José Alves de Castro
The Coin Man

VP of Engineering by Day, Evil Magician by Night, now writing Science Fiction short stories by Twilight.