You are immortal…

José Alves de Castro
The Coin Man
Published in
1 min readSep 4, 2017

- So you’re now immortal…

- Yes. It’s a common procedure. It’s not even that complicated, I am told.

The men asking the questions looked puzzled.

- But… why?

- Why would you die if you didn’t have to?

- But…

- Aren’t you immortal as well?

- I am, but you… You shouldn’t be immortal.

- I have the same rights as you. As any of you.

Another man asked:

- How did you pay for the procedure?

- I didn’t. They offered it to me.

- Why?

- I don’t know, I didn’t ask.

- Did it occur to you that they could have a hidden agenda?

- Everyone has a hidden agenda. I merely took advantage of an opportunity.

The questions went on, but whatever the men asked, the man dismissed.

Later, after the man had left, two of them looked at the stars in deep thought.

One of them finally broke the silence:

- This has the potential to change everything.

- I know.

- Maybe we should kill him…

The other one was taken by surprise:

- Please tell me you’re joking…

- Well, I am, of course. But you can’t say it wouldn’t make sense, right?

- No, I understand what you’re saying.

- Exactly! How can we expect people to believe in reincarnation when there’s not death for the Dalai Lama?



José Alves de Castro
The Coin Man

VP of Engineering by Day, Evil Magician by Night, now writing Science Fiction short stories by Twilight.