Coinbase Index Fund is Open For Investment

Reuben Bramanathan
The Coinbase Blog
Published in
1 min readJun 12, 2018

Coinbase Index Fund is now open for investments of $250,000 to $20M.

We’ve seen overwhelming interest from investors since we announced the fund earlier this year. At this stage, we have opened the fund to those who wish to invest $250,000 to $20M.

Coinbase Index Fund gives investors exposure to all assets listed on our exchange, weighted by market capitalization. As we announced yesterday, the fund will be rebalanced to include Ethereum Classic, and more assets when they are listed by Coinbase in the future.

At this stage, Coinbase Index Fund is only open to US-resident accredited investors. We’re working on launching more funds which are accessible to all investors and cover a broader range of digital assets.

Apply now to make your investment.



Reuben Bramanathan
The Coinbase Blog

Blockchains, cryptocurrency & law. Helping crypto teams solve hard problems. Previously product & legal@coinbase