Summer Wells Case Analysis

Tatiana Santana
The Missing
Published in
9 min readJun 16, 2022


My opinion about the Summer Wells case. A long analysis.

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Summer Wells has been missing since June 15th of 2021. It has been one year today since this precious child has gone missing. I never voice my opinion on cases but today that will change. This case has some disturbing theories and timeline situations that I would love to voice my opinion on.

The Timeline of June 15th, 2021

Around 7 in the morning on June 15th, Donald Wells leaves for work and Candus Wells gets up to get ready for their busy day. Summer was in bed with Donald and Candus that night and Candus woke her up around 7 that morning. Candus had plans to take her mother to the medical institution for her knee that day, so she had planned to take Summer along with her and leave the three boys at home for the day. Once the three leave in the grandmother’s truck, they head to the medical institution to drop her off. After dropping Grandma off, Candus receives a call from her best friend’s son Hunter. The 15-year-old boy asked Candus to come over and see them while she had free time, so, Candus went over and hangout with Hunter and his mother and took Summer along.

Candus’s mother calls and tells her that she is ready to be picked up, so, Hunter asks if he can ride along and Candus says yes. After picking her mother up, they drop a…



Tatiana Santana
The Missing

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