“Together Again” at annual Fung Institute end of year showcase

On Thursday, May 5, 2022, the Fung Institute community gathered at the Mudd Hall Lawn to highlight year long projects from both the graduate Master of Engineering and undergraduate Fung Fellowship student teams. The “Together Again” theme celebrated the first in-person end of year showcase since before the COVID-19 pandemic. More than 100 teams showcased their work with interactive table-top demos or poster boards for over 800 guests.

Zachary Christiansen, MEng ’22 (ME), and Lorraine Meriner Pereira, FF ’20 (Public Health) opened the event as student emcees. Other speakers included College of Engineering Dean Tsu-Jae King Liu, Fung Institute Founder Coleman Fung, Fung Institute Executive Director Stephany Baker, and Fung Institute Faculty Director Prof. Anthony D. Joseph.

An awards ceremony concluded the event. Awards were nominated and voted on by College of Engineering faculty and Fung Institute staff and alumni. Listed below are the winners of each major award category:

Master of Engineering awardees

The Fung Institute Technical Leadership Capstone Award is awarded to the capstone team that most effectively demonstrates MEng Leadership principles: identifying an opportunity; generating a solution; including and convincing stakeholders of the proposed solution.

  • Winning Team: 3D Printing of Steel Alloys for Cheap and Fast Manufacturing (Team 1)
    Team Members: Parth Kulkarni, Sumati Rangaraj, Thomas Wolfe

The Fung Institute MEng Alumni Award for the Most Innovative Project is awarded to the capstone team that most effectively demonstrates: the relevance of the problem they are trying to solve, the originality of their proposed solution, and the potential of their project’s impact.

  • Winning Team: [Jupiter] Machine Learning for Climate Risk Analytics: Flood Depth and Velocity Surrogates for Hydrodynamics that Cause Damage
    Team Members: Oriane Cavrois, Jinsong Dai, Yichun Gao, Yunxiang Han, Laure Martin, Sihan Yang

The Fung Institute Mission Award is awarded to the capstone team that best exemplifies the mission of the institute: Creating inclusive leaders who solve the world’s problems through innovation, technology, and collaboration across boundaries.

  • Winning Team: [Werfen] Microfluidic Edge Detection: Machine Learning Module for Next Generation
    Team Members: ZhaoDong Wei, Chi-hung Shu, Xiaolu Li

Fung Institute MEng Capstone Mentorship Award (Industry): Harsh Tomar — Asurion

Fung Institute MEng Capstone Mentorship Award (Faculty): Yunkai Zhang, IEOR

Fung Institute MEng Capstone Peer Award for Intellectual Contribution (Leadership): Kanak Kapoor

Fung Institute MEng Capstone Peer Award for Intellectual Contribution (Technical): Ruian Ge

Fung Fellowship awardees

Health + Tech Track
ExoGlove: Soft Robotic ExoGlove for At-Home Paralysis Rehabilitation
Holly Pilling, Emma Stephan, Kaylee Hernandez, Sahil Mehta, Yelin Kim

Conservation + Tech Track
(P)rototyping (M)echanical (D)evices to (P)reserve Marine Environments
Avery Zebrowski, Rushabh Shah, Shifali Kerudi, Cindy Tung, Aditya Dev Varma

Honors Track
The Loom: The Semi-Permanent Backyard Structure which will Collect and Transform your Urine into Nutrient Rich Fertilizer
Kyle Nisbet, Sierra Margolis, Ava Castanha

View the full list of Master of Engineering and Fung Fellowship projects. For more information on how to propose a future MEng capstone project, please visit this webpage: Propose a Project

Edited by Ashley Villanueva



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