UC Berkeley MEng Class of 2022 Profile

The Coleman Fung Institute for Engineering Leadership welcomes its class of 667 full-time Master of Engineering students.


Image credit: Keegan Houser/University Development and Alumni Relations

Each year, the UC Berkeley Master of Engineering (MEng) program admits students from around the world who go on to become leaders in their respective fields. With 43 countries and 257 undergraduate institutions represented in the Class of 2022, the Fung Institute welcomes a student body of technical leaders who come from many different backgrounds and perspectives.

As a result of their time spent in the program, Berkeley MEng students are given the tools they need through effective technical training and leadership development skills in order to become the innovators of tomorrow.

The one-year, full-time class is joined by students in UC Berkeley’s MBA/MEng dual degree program, which allows students with undergraduate technical training to earn both an MBA and an MEng degree in just two years.

This cohort will have the opportunity to participate in student-led Affinity Groups, which allow students with shared professional interests to form communities. This year, there are 14 affinity groups, including the newly-formed Aerospace, Digital Health, Human-Computer Interaction and Robotics groups. The cohort will also participate in the Fung Institute’s Bridges Alliance program, which provides micro-internship opportunities for students and alumni. Through access to these two programs, MEng students will gain invaluable experiential and networking opportunities.

In addition, this class will experience a mix of in-person and virtual instruction, as UC Berkeley welcomes students back to campus after several semesters of remote learning. Orientation and the pre-semester boot camp were held virtually, but as the semester begins the students will receive mainly in-person instruction.

MEng Class of 2022 Profile

  • Number of Applicants: 4,253
  • Class Size: 667
  • Average GPA: 3.65
  • Average GRE*: Verbal Reasoning 69%, Quantitative Reasoning 81%, GRE Analytical Writing 63%
  • Average Age: 23 (Ages range from 18–38)
  • 76% International by passport
  • 34% Female
  • 44% received a MEng program grant or fellowship

*The GRE was not required to apply.



257 undergraduate schools are represented in the Class of 2022. The top five undergraduate universities are:

  • University of California, Irvine
  • University of California, Berkeley
  • University of California, San Diego
  • University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • University of California, Davis

43 countries/regions are represented. Most predominant in the Class of 2022 are:

  • China
  • United States
  • India
  • France
  • Taiwan
  • Spain

Applications are now open for the Class of 2023 and are due on Thursday, January 6, 2022. Learn more at funginstitute.berkeley.edu.



Berkeley Master of Engineering
Berkeley Master of Engineering

Master of Engineering at UC Berkeley with a focus on leadership. Learn more about the program through our publication.