UC Berkeley MEng honors 375 graduates in Class of 2018

View the recorded commencement ceremony at http://engineering.berkeley.edu/BEgrad18.

Three hundred seventy-five students joined the ranks of UC Berkeley Master of Engineering (MEng) alumni during the College of Engineering Master’s Commencement on Tuesday, May 15, 2018 at the William Randolph Hearst Greek Theatre in Berkeley, CA. The Men’s Chorale opened the ceremony with the Star-Spangled Banner, followed by Professor Shankar Sastry’s final address as the Dean of the College of Engineering.

UC Davis Chancellor Gary May, M.S.’88, Ph.D.’91 (EECS) giving the keynote address.

UC Davis Chancellor Gary May, M.S.’88, Ph.D.’91 (EECS) keynoted the commencement, sharing “Back in 1991 when I graduated, I never imagined I’d be as happy as I am today. I want to share with you why: Every day I try to learn something to help someone and make the world a little bit better place. Earning degrees from UC Berkeley allow me to do all of those things.”

The Berkeley MEng Class of 2018 is the largest graduating class to-date.

  • Graduates represent over 31 countries and regions, including: China, USA, India, France, Taiwan, Singapore and Canada.
  • MEng graduates will move on to work at top companies like Google, Genentech, Adobe, Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Wayfair, Sephora, Maxim Integrated, Lenovo, BCG, Uber, and SpaceX.
  • Nine MEng students will move onto become PhD candidates across all seven departments at various schools including UC Berkeley, Georgia Tech, and UCLA.
  • Our Capstone teams have continued participate — and place highly — in campus, inter-campus, and national competitions. Will Huang MEng ‘18 (EECS) was a part of a team that took the first place at Microsoft Imagine Cup US Finals. Kelsae Adame MEng ’18 (NE) of the High Flux Neutron Generator team placed third in the UC Grad Slam. Two Capstone teams were finalists in this year’s Big Ideas.
  • In May, we hosted the largest Spring Showcase event where over 250 external visitors attended, including guests from Adidas, City of Oakland, GM, and JXTG Nippon Oil.
  • Four startups have been established under Berkeley MEng connections. Two Capstone teams have contributed to or submitted an paper to a peer-reviewed publication.
  • Over 5,500 total views for this year’s Capstone promotional videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/FungInstitute/playlists

Congratulations Class of 2018! You did it.

Pledge of Ethical Conduct for Engineers

We, the graduating engineering Class of 2018, in recognition of the importance of our technologies in affecting the quality of life throughout the world, and in accepting a personal obligation to our profession, its members and the communities we serve, pledge to commit ourselves to the highest ethical and professional conduct. Throughout our careers, we will consider the ethical implications and the impact on safety, health and welfare of the public and the environment of the work we do before we take action. While the demands placed upon us may be great, we make this declaration because we recognize that individual responsibility is the first step on the path to a better world for all.

— Adopted by the Student Relations Committee, Engineering Student Council and some 85 student societies of the UC Berkeley College of Engineering



Berkeley Master of Engineering
Berkeley Master of Engineering

Master of Engineering at UC Berkeley with a focus on leadership. Learn more about the program through our publication.