5 Things to keep in mind if this is your first Pride

Cali Timmins
The Collab
3 min readJun 22, 2018


Pride is one of the most exciting times of the year. It comes at the perfect time, right when the weather warms up, and you can just taste summer in the air. It’s a beautiful time of self-expression. A time for us to own who we are, make new friends, celebrate with the old ones and have fun!

That being said, if you’ve never been to Pride, it can be a little overwhelming! There’s so much going on, and you might not know what to expect. Don’t worry, you’re not alone, and it’s nothing to be embarrassed about.

Here are some things to remember as we head into Pride weekend!

Don’t engage with negativity

Unfortunately, there is a certain likelihood that you will encounter some not-so-nice people among the kind souls you’re sure to meet.

While you might hear things that make your skin crawl, don’t give them any kind of response. Feeding into the hate will only give those people the reaction they’re looking for, and will only make you more upset. Try and block it out — and enjoy yourself instead. I know that’s easier said than done, but Pride is a time for celebration. Don’t let that be ruined by someone else.

You’re never too old for the buddy system!

No matter how old you are, it’s always good to have a pal and be a pal — especially if you’re engaging in the party side of Pride. When you’re in a stampede of sweaty bodies, blinding glitter and drinking $10 beers, it’s a good feeling to know that someone is looking out for you.

Abide by the golden rule

During something like Pride, this seems like an obvious one, but treat everyone the way you would want to be treated. During an event as wild as Pride, anything can happen. People celebrate in different ways; some over-celebrate, some celebrate in ways you may have never experienced before. Whether it be through appearance or actions, this is everyone’s time to be themselves — not the time to judge.

Don’t be afraid to step in to help

Pride is a time for overindulging. On body paint, glitter, and yes, sometimes substances. If you see someone who looks like they’ve had a little too much, don’t be afraid to check in! A simple “Hey, are you doing okay?” can go a long way. If they’re unresponsive, they might need medical attention. Pride is a long event, and despite all the drinking, it’s easy to become dehydrated.

There’s no right or wrong way to do Pride

Finally, don’t feel any pressure to behave a certain way. For some of us, even coming out to an event as hectic and overwhelming as Pride is a big step, and you only need to celebrate in a way that makes you happy and comfortable!

Be safe and have fun!

