A simple, effective technique that can help us address and navigate the challenges that lie ahead in 2018.

Shaun Ali, M.S.W., R.S.W.
The Collab


Whenever we enter a new year I start to see people thinking in one of two ways. Some marvel at the negativity of the year that’s just finished, “I can’t believe that happened!” or “I think next year will be same as this year, terrible!”, and some start planning new year’s resolutions.

Creating resolutions and goals can sometimes feel like setting yourself up for failure, which, for some, can lead to a downward spiral of guilt and shame. What a de-motivating way to start the year!

However, goals help us move forward, and even if they are moving targets, it helps to have them.

One technique that I will suggest you might try is to: WOOP in the New Year. Or we can try my own take on WOOP which is WOOPIE (not the song, but you can listen to the song here).

WOOP is a simple reach based technique developed by psychologist Gabriele Oettingen at New York University. WOOP stands for Wish, Outcome, Obstacle, and Plan.

You can either write down or visualize your WOOP. I would suggest writing it down then visualizing it in your mind step-by-step. That means closing your eyes and imagining you’ve achieved your goal, how that would feel, what it would look like.

This is how it works.


Here is simple question: What would do wish for? This is something that should be within your control and does not depend on others. I want you to try and be specific.

For example: Learn to be a better listener for my partner.


If your wish came true how would you feel? What would that really look like? Would your wish lead to your desired outcome?

Example: I would have more compassion for my partner.


I think this might be the secret sauce to this method, as it asks you to think about how you might get in your own way. Is it procrastination? Depression? Pride? Poor time management?

Example: I think my job is more important and forget that my partner gets stressed too. We need to build compassion for one another.


So what are you going to do about it? What is your plan ? What would you see yourself doing to make your wish come true (again, be specific), and visualize your plan in action.

Example: Whenever my partner starts to talk about their job I will stop whatever I am doing to listen to them.


How are you going to implement your plan. Create 3 strategies to help ensure you stick to your plan.

For example: 1- I would talk to a friend about my plan 2-I would read at least one book on how to be a better lister 3- I will practice my new skill of listening at least once a week.


This is where you ask yourself if your plan is working. Perhaps obstacles come up that you weren’t anticipating. Take stock and restart the WOOPIE process.

So, remember to WOOP your way through challenges this new year. If you decide to implement this approach, I’d love to hear from you regarding your experiences.

Feel free to comment below!

Shaun is a therapist at The Shift Collab. You can learn more about him and book a free consultation here.

To learn more about WOOP go to: https://www.amazon.com/Rethinking-Positive-Thinking-Science-Motivation/dp/1617230235 or https://www.characterlab.org/woop

Listen to Hidden Brain Podcast: https://www.npr.org/2017/08/14/542426391/you-2-0-woop-there-it-is



Shaun Ali, M.S.W., R.S.W.
The Collab

Mental health professional. Helping you find your path, navigating experiences of stress, PTSD, life changes, work and relationships.