Street BUMP #KindBury

Claire Haigh FRSA
The Collaborate Out Louder
3 min readOct 15, 2019

Join us in towns across Bury to collaboration, connection and celebrate the great communities we have across Bury and explore how this can hep us to connect and shift power to the people of Bury.

People make our communities, power them and we want to help you to shape the places where you live together.

Over the last couple of months we have started to explore how we can support people across Bury build on the great stuff that is already happening to create kind and connected communities right across our great town of Bury.

Read more about what is happening on this blog

So, what is a Street BUMP event and why take part?

Street BUMP is a unique experience that allows diverse groups to come together to use the Streets as a collaborative space for exploring challenges, bumping into difference and starting conversations about what matters to the people of that place.

This is a half day workshop facilitated on the Streets rather than in a classroom or conference hall. This allows people to be inspired by exploring the environment where they live and work and by talking to the people they meet there.

We believe this is a powerful tool for creating a people powered bury where there is a shift in power from the formal authorities to communities.

Street BUMP helps people to:

• Collaboratively share and explore their collective challenges

• Begin to shape ideas and solutions that can start to tackle these collective challenges

• Be inspired by the people, buildings and spaces of the place that they live in and serve

What happens on a Street BUMP?

We gather at an assigned place and there is firstly an opportunity to meet each other and hear why people have come along. We will then do a series of activities that allow us to use the outside environment to think about what matters to us in context of Bury and how we can come together around the identified areas.

Where are the events taking place?

We are running five Street BUMP events across Bury, here are the dates, times and towns below and we would love you to come along. Just click on the event you are interested in and it will take you to the Eventbrite link for that event to tell us you are coming along.

· Bury East 25.10.19 09:30–12:00

· Radcliffe 25.10.19 13:00–15:30

· Prestwich 30.10.19 09:30–12:00

· Whitefield 30.10.19 13:00–15:30

· Ramsbottom 31.10.19 13:15:30

Who will be there?

These events are aimed at anyone who is interested in creating kind and connected communities across Bury and wants to explore how this can help us to shift power to the people. We are not interested in titles, level of seniority or hierarchies but in helping real people to come together and here each others stories.

Anyone can come along and bring a friend too if you like

What do I need to bring?

The events are mainly outside based and therefore you need to dress comfortably for the weather and walking around a little. If you want to come and struggle to walk then don’t worry you can come and take part still. We can adapt the session to meet the needs of who turns up.

If you want to know more before committing to taking part then please get in touch with Claire Haigh



Claire Haigh FRSA
The Collaborate Out Louder

Exploring shaping & connecting future collaborative & inclusive public services Co-Founder @CollabOutLoud #CupofChange Married to @tobywormald #CollabOutLoud