12 Ridiculously Shocking Laws In North Korea You Had No Idea About

These unfair laws will make you thank you weren’t born there.

The Collector


Source: theclever.com

Every country in the world expects natives to abide by specific laws and regulations — but North Korea is different. The natives are supposed to follow not just expected rules but some really bizarre laws.

Every weird law in North Korea has only one main motive — to control the population.

It is the country where the lives of citizens are dictated and regulated to the tiniest degree for ensuring Kim Jong-un stays in supreme power and retains a tight hold all over.

Kim Jong-un is given a Godlike status by the citizens who have been isolated from the rest of the world.

Interestingly, the laws successfully keep the North Koreans aligned with what the government demands of them.

Several rules detailed below might sound nuts, but breaking them in North Korea is a serious offense. Let’s dig into the most bizarre North Korean laws.

1. Only State-Approved Haircuts

People can not verge on any new hair trend in North Korea as they are supposed to stick by the state-approved haircuts. What?



The Collector

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