5 Bizarre Medieval Illustrations

Of butt-faced demons, sinister rabbits and many other oddities

Kay Kirti
The Collector


Groin and butt-faced demons? Source — Public Domain

The Medieval period is filled with bizarre and grotesque images — the ugly paintings of baby Jesus, grotesque marginalia and drolleries are just a few examples.

My attempt with this article is to list bizarre and amusing medieval illustrations. And perhaps, these illustrations would transport you to the fantastical humorous medieval world!

1. Hallucinating humans?

In circa 15th century medieval Europe, there was this fatal disease called Ergotism caused by a fungus in wheat or rye. Also known as St. Anthony’s fire, it caused blisters, spasms and hallucinations.

In 1938, Swiss scientist Albert Hoffman discovered that the ergot fungi — the same fungus that caused ergotism — can be used to synthesize the psychedelic drug LSD.

Do you think our painter Bosch was tripped over while creating a “hanging leg” in Temptation of St. Antony or Garden of Earthly Delights? Notice the blisters on the feet.

Temptation of St. Antony by Bosch. Source — Public Domain



Kay Kirti
The Collector

Art and life enthusiast. I engage with art at a deep level. I love to document my life experiences. Mama to Yoda 🐕 and Rumi 👨‍👧‍👶