5 Surprising Ways By Which Egyptians Still Rule The World

There is a lot of uncanniness to what shaped the progressive civilization of Egypt into what it is today.

The Mars Girl
The Collector


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As of today, Egypt might be viewed as one of the most populated countries across the globe with the ever-increasing phenomenon of inflation. Yet, it does not stand as an ‘underdeveloped’ country in all of the Middle East.

Instead, it is widely known for its ancient history, one that adapted strange methods of survival into their daily routine to make their generations unique. From different methods that benefitted human health to the famous extensive burial procedures of the kings and pharaohs, Egypt is identified uniquely among all other countries.

Although tombstones, pyramids, and pharaohs remain to be the mainstream of Egypt for the world today, here are five more aspects that existed in ancient Egypt but stayed undisclosed to the rest of the world for a very long time.

1- Soft Pillows for A Good Night’s Sleep? The Ancient Egyptians Don’t Think So!

While exploring the ruins of the old civilizations of Egypt and the marvelous tombs of its kings, archaeologists stumbled upon an incomplete goblet-like object that may…



The Mars Girl
The Collector

A software Engineer who tinkers, reads, code, explore, and break things. Writes about Tech experiences, and Interesting Facts. https://bit.ly/3mtBBF3