5 Disturbing Secrets About BMW’s Quandt Family

Little-known dark and dirty facts are hidden behind this fame and relevancy — that possibly hints at ties with the Nazis!

The Mars Girl
The Collector


Source: Wiki

First off, let’s begin with introductions as I’m sure having a little insight into the Quandt family and its history will provide some more context to the plethora of plot twists that are about to come!

So the Quandt family was the biggest industrialist during WWI because that is the time when Günther Quandt made good money by selling uniforms to the German Empire. After the war ended, he diversified his business, started buying out other companies, and tapped into almost every manufacturing industry i.e. electronics, crude oil, weapons, and batteries.

1- Involvement with the Nazis

The Quandt family first started being associated with the Nazis when Günther Quandt’s second wife, Magda Ritschel divorced him and got engaged to Joseph Goebbels, the very man who was destined to lead the Ministry of Propaganda of Nazi Germany.

One may think that Günther Quandt would have developed some sort of one-sided beef with Goebbels but surprisingly he did the complete opposite! Günther Quandt, you see, was a resourceful man and where most would have seen…



The Mars Girl
The Collector

A software Engineer who tinkers, reads, code, explore, and break things. Writes about Tech experiences, and Interesting Facts. https://bit.ly/3mtBBF3