Head of a Woman — La Scapigliata

The Beautiful Portrayal of a Woman by Leonardo Da Vinci

Rabinder Kumar
The Collector


Leonardo da Vinci, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

This painting is the unfinished portrayal of a woman with disheveled hair.

It shows a young woman with her eyes down, and her head tilted.

Leonardo Da Vinci was inspired by the ancient Roman author Pliny, who said the greatest artist Apelles left his last work ‘Venus of Cos’ unfinished, and his work was more admired than his other finished painting of the goddess.

Pliny the Elder was a famous artist during the period of the renaissance.

Why Leonardo painted the head of a woman?

You can see the savagery of her hair is in contrast to her enlighten face.

Leonardo Di Vinci painted La Scapigliata in a way to show the world that how a woman can be inherently beautiful with a wild power that could not be chained.

Rabinder Kumar

October 2021



Rabinder Kumar
The Collector

Like a Norse God | I write about intriguing robust topics. For freelance gigs: rabinderkumarr@gmail.com