The (visual) Art of Reading

Inspiring art from across the world (though number 6 will leave you puzzled and anxious).

Jess the Avocado
The Collector


Woman reading-Utagawa Kuniyoshi

“I think of reading a book as no less an experience than travelling or falling in love.”

— Jorge Luis Borges

I would love to make the assumption that if you are here, today and now, reading this, you have some form of a penchant for it. Reading that is.

For one, you are now reading. But also, you chose to enter this space where we are about to share a slice of art and reading. And who could blame you for it? Art and Books are two of the most beautiful things this life of ours has to offer.

As Borges said better than anyone could: “Siempre imaginé que el Paraíso sería algún tipo de biblioteca.”

I firmly believe that books and art are essential for children’s and adults’ development. To develop one’s soul, mind, and social awareness.

Art is a way of primordial understanding where, usually, no words are needed to explore angles of the universe and of sentiments.

And books are, well, everything. They are the medium through which the literate world expands, progresses, understands. Books are realms of infinite universes, infinite lives.

