7 Historical Origins of the World’s Most Famous Hand Gestures

Fascinating origins of everyday hand gestures

L. Small
The Collector


“Winston Churchill à Metz, aux côtés de Robert Schuman (14 juillet 1946)” by Bibliothèques-Médiathèques de Metz is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

In everyday life, sometimes we see or even do a hand or finger gesture. Hand gestures, also called gestures, have become a habit inherent in the world's culture. From the v-sign that we often see when people take pictures to gestures showing the index finger and pinkie performed simultaneously that people usually do during rock concerts.

Apparently, those gestures have a history and origin. Here are seven history and origins of hand gestures most commonly used by the general public and most popular globally.

1. V-Sign

Winston Churchill, British prime minister, giving a V sign in 1943.
Winston Churchill, British prime minister, giving a V sign in 1943.

According to historical records, the V-Sign symbol became popular during World War II. The V-Sign symbol is a symbol created by showing the index and middle fingers simultaneously. The beginning of a Belgian politician encourages people to show a V with their finger as a symbol of victory /Victory (France) or mean freedom / Vrijheid (Netherlands).

This V-sign hand gesture was also performed by Winston Churchill, a British statesman, army officer, and writer. He was Prime…



L. Small
The Collector

"One arrow alone can be easily broken but many arrows are indestructible" ~Genghis Khan~