7 Mysterious Monuments On Earth

Reasons still unknown to famous archaeologists.

The Collector


Source: Wikimedia Commons

In this universe, many architectures and golden age memorials are associated with some peculiar civilizations.

Also, every monument and site holds its importance and history. Most of them are significant and have an ample amount of research material.

However, some places are strange and unusual and do not have much historical data.

The reason for their construction is still unknown and a mystery to the public. Let’s have a brief introduction to seven mysterious landmarks of the world.

The Yonaguni Monument — A Mysterious Underwater Monument

Source: Wikipedia

It was found during the 1980s in Japan; it is more than ten thousand years old. It is located underwater on Yonaguni island.

It is a rectangular rock structure whose source is still unknown. Some researchers suggest that it is a man-made structure.

However, some say that it is natural. So in a way, it is mysterious.



The Collector

Hi there! A history geek who loves to write about history.