7 World’s Most Secure Prisons

Most guarded prisons where it’s impossible to escape.

The Collector


Source: Wikipedia

The prison structure has always been the most crucial issue in the world. With time prison structures have become more advanced and upgraded to keep the criminals in jail.

Although the presence of security staff is not enough, security measures are beyond the limits in some prisons. Here we will briefly analyse history’s seven most secure prisons.

Tadmur Prison

Source: Wikipedia

Torment, barbarism, and fearfulness are the most common adjectives associated with this prison.

It came into existence in the 1930s, with the efforts of the French. It is located in Syria in some desert around 200km northeastern Damascus.

Many political nonconformists have been the victim of this lock-up. Usually, in prison, criminals do have some primary privilege, but in Tadmur, there is no relief. It is far more dangerous.

Many former prisoners have shared their views about this prison that prisoners are being watched continuously.



The Collector

Hi there! A history geek who loves to write about history.