8 Extremely Sexist Vintage Ads Media Should Be Ashamed Propagating

20th Century offensive ads that would never fly today.

The Collector


Source: Image by Author/ C.C 2.0

Over the period of time, advertisements have changed a lot from what it was to what it has become, and today advertising is more of an essential part of our socio-economic system.

All ads nowadays are meticulously designed to speak to the mind and heart of the consumer directly.

Old days advertisements are a reflection of our past and show the values of that particular time when they were made.

Below, I have flipped through these early printed advertisements, highlighting some of these offensive print ads.

These ads were often made by brands that promoted their products through sexism and male chauvinism, which often bred fear of insecurity among women.

People in those days tried to complain; however, most of these requests never made it to the table. Why?

Well, firstly because the companies were not bothered, and secondly, the authorities couldn’t do much because, in those days, there were no rules and regulations to tackle the problems related to ads. Let’s dig straight:

1. Why And How Men Are Better Than Women?



The Collector

I’m a history buff, personal development advocator and fitness freak!