8 Strict Rules To Follow When You Ever Meet Queen Elizabeth

Interesting rules that even major stars have to follow.

The Collector


Source: Wiki

Queen Elizabeth, at 95, is the longest-reigning monarch in royal history. She took the helm of Buckingham palace after her father’s death in 1952. She has been leading the royals since.

The queen met with many people throughout her seven-decade reign, as world leaders, diplomats, sportspeople and celebrities, but meeting the queen was not as easy. There is a list of rules that must be followed when in the queen’s presence.

Some strict rules must be followed while one meets a royal, constraints that might be intimidating or weird to some — but they are what they are. Let’s dig in:

Don’t Speak First

Source Wikipedia

You can’t do many things before the queen, and one of them is speaking. The British Royal tradition is that the queen always says first upon meeting, leading the conversation.

The rule exists so the queen can control every aspect of her conversation and even exit one when she wants to.



The Collector

I’m a history buff, personal development advocator and fitness freak!