Adam Wasn’t The First Human On Earth

Says none but some eye-opening traditions.

The Collector


Image Source: Wikimedia Commons

For a long time, we have believed Adam was the first ever but is he?! One of the main reasons that we humans believe that Adam was the first human is because of religion.

For this article, we will take references from the Bible to know if, in fact, Adam was the first human ever.

It is mentioned in the Bible that God created humans on the 6th day of creation.

Later comes the story of Adam and his creation, and some modern scholars believe that this is nothing but an assumption that the story of Adam is somehow related to the creation of humans.

When looking back into history, we don’t find any concrete evidence that shows us that earlier humans were in any way concerned if Adam was the first human or not.

Until and after Jesus, one reason being the religion he brought with him came — this was when humans were well settled on Earth.

The Debate Of Evolution Versus Creation

Image Source: Wikimedia Commons



The Collector

I’m a history buff, personal development advocator and fitness freak!