Mythological paintings

Apollo and Daphne — F. Albani

One of the best-known myths of Ancient Greece hides a somewhat murky history that today would be highly questioned and even censored

Alejandro Orradre
The Collector
Published in
4 min readJul 21, 2022


Source — Wikipedia

The story of Apollo and Daphne is one of the best-known stories of Greek mythology, represented in countless pictorial and sculptural works.

Many consider it a love story, but in reality, is a myth that reflects an act of revenge. Not among the protagonists but on the part of Eros.

What was this revenge? What motivated it?

One day Apollo (god of the arts, music, light, and even the divinatory arts) found it amusing to laugh at Eros (god of sexual attraction, and fertility) when he was playing with a bow and arrows.

Naturally, the affected person was not amused and promised himself that someday he would make him pay for it.

The occasion came when, wandering through the forest, Apollo glimpsed in the distance a young girl named Daphne, a beautiful nymph. Eros seized the moment and executed his vengeful plan: he took two arrows, one of gold with a diamond tip and the other of iron with a lead tip.

