How I Got in Trouble for Nazi Symbol

How they confused the Hindu swastika sign with the Nazi party symbol

Rabinder Kumar
The Collector


In this article, I want to discuss how I got into trouble for the Nazi symbol, and then I want to clarify the difference between the Swastika and the Nazi symbol.

Most people don’t have an idea about the “Swastika sign.” Its historical background, so they mix it with “Nazi Sign

It was Swastika Symbol,”

What is Swastika?

The swastika is a symbol 卐, clockwise or right-facing, it is an ancient religious sign. It is believed as spirituality & divinity in Hinduism, Buddhism, and other Indian religions.

Adoption of Swastika

In 1920, Adolf Hitler adopted the swastika as the German national symbol.

Later in 1945, it had become associated with fascism, genocide, and World War II. Now, it is considered a symbol of racial bias and hatred. So they banned it in Germany and other countries.

I will get straight to the point since I have to share a shocking experience.

Let’s rewind two years back and let me take you in June 2019. I was on a Couchsurfing trip to Veszprem, Hungary when I got an email that “You are selected as a camp



Rabinder Kumar
The Collector

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