Curated stories and community updates for this week

Highlights from the week

The Collector
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4 min readSep 26, 2020


Welcome to The Collector’s Weekly Digest, where we pluck the best of the best articles published this week along with important community updates and curated stories.

Community Updates

  • We are planning to announce our next writing challenge soon. Chandy Bee has recommended an excellent topic for the challenge ‘The Women of World War II’. And so, we have decided to open the stage for more recommendations. Please email us your suggestions and topics if any and stay tuned for more on this. This time the event and prize will be bigger and better.
  • The September Writing Challenge was a success. And, it has only been possible because of our participants, readers, and our esteemed judge. It speaks a lot about our judge Floyd Mori since all the winning entries were curated in more than one topic in the past week.
  • This was another exciting week of thoughtful, well-researched, and detailed stories by our writers. The Collector is now being followed by more than 235 people on medium and we have published more than 30 stories this week.
  • Our publication has crossed over 62K minutes read and 32K views in a month.
  • We had 7 curations this week and the stories were curated in a gamut of tags. History, Music, Feminism, Politics, Equality, Culture, Justice, Style, and Race.
  • The Collector now has more than 290 followers on twitter. If you haven’t already, do follow us there.

Featured Writers Of The Week

We have 2 featured writers this week.

Rory Cockshaw — is an ecology student at the University of Cambridge. A recent addition to our list of writers. He is a writer, scientist, and a linguist. Rory writes about history, science, and languages.

You can check out his latest stories published in The Collector.

If Ever You’re Listening — is another new writer. He is a music aficionado and his articles are well researched with excellent academic tone.

His latest story about how music evolved from the medieval to the postmodern period is published on The Collector.

Quote Of The Week

“…Whether you believe in an afterlife or not, Justice Ginsburg’s spirit remains alive inside us.” — Mollie Gray

Molly wrote a touching piece as a tribute to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and how she persistently fought for equality for women and the community. This article is curated in Politics and Equality.

Featured Stories From the Week

kabir wrote a quirky piece on the universal appeal Ruth Bader Ginsburg deployed from both justice and style. The decoding of the collars (also known as jabots) in her uniform and meaning to each one of them. This piece was curated in feminism, style, justice and equality.

Allison Gaines wrote a powerful piece about The Statue of Liberty being viewed only as a symbol of immigrants’ migration by Americans. But the deeper meaning lied in the freedom of enslaved African American people. America as a country should embrace the Pledge of Allegiance and stand for liberty and justice for all. This entry was also the winner for the September writing challenge and is curated in race and history.

Maya Singleton, M.A. wrote a heart-wrenching story about the racial segregation between the Black and White Americans following the Vietnam War. She described the plight of African Americans and how they were abandoned in Vietnam and once again in their home country. This story is curated in race, history, and equality.

Maya also hosts a podcast The Renegade Professor which aims at minimizing confusion about race and becoming more racially literate each week. We urge readers to check this out.

Ajita wrote a detailed and well-researched piece on the history and evolution of African-American music and its impact on American society. The African slaves who were brought to America carried abundant knowledge of West African music and that had become an integral part of the present-day culture in America. This article is curated in culture, music, race, and history.

Jhemmylrut Teng yet again wrote a brilliant piece on the history of women who had to fight for the right to vote in the 20th century. How women had to endure abuse and fight incessantly to have equal opportunities in society and make her voice heard. This piece is curated in history and feminism.

Thank you to all our readers and writers for your immeasurable support and active participation. We are striving to make this a better and quality publication each day.

Have a great weekend and stay safe.

The Collector Editorial Team



The Collector

This part of me writes about startups, founder stories & technology. Check my other medium profile for articles on art & culture.