Lady Godiva — The Nude Who Rode a Horse

5 sensual interpretations of ancient women by John Collier

Kay Kirti
The Collector


Lady Godiva by John Collier. Herbert Art Gallery and Museum. Source — Public Domain

Let me cut the chase — I’m talking about the prominent British painter and writer John Collier. When I explored his oeuvre, I noticed a pattern where he gave a provocative yet sophisticated outlook to mythical women. His works alter the original setting and give an unconventional perspective to folklore and fairy tales.

Let’s explore 5 of Collier’s provocative artworks showcasing bold and empowering women.

1. Lady Godiva (1898)

Do you know how Belgian chocolate Godiva derived its name? Have you ever noticed the logo on the chocolate?

Godiva. The logo is a sketch of a bare woman with long voluminous hair riding on a horse.

A sketch of a bare woman with long voluminous hair riding on a horse.

Okay. Let’s unravel this.

The name and the logo of Godiva are inspired by an iconic painting Lady Godiva created by John Collier.

Who was Lady Godiva? Before we talk about the artist’s interpretation, let’s discuss the interesting legend of Lady Godiva.



Kay Kirti
The Collector

Art and life enthusiast. I engage with art at a deep level. I love to document my life experiences. Mama to Yoda 🐕 and Rumi 👨‍👧‍👶