Regular People Show a Lot of Hate About Politics

Floyd Mori
The Collector
Published in
3 min readSep 1, 2020


I have seen it first hand

Photo by Joshua Sukoff on Unsplash

Some people have said that they have eliminated their Facebook account because it was too toxic over politics. I have seen that first hand among my own Facebook “friends.” Politics brings out the worst in people as they debate the issues. Hate is displayed toward elected officials on a regular basis on social media.

People who are very strong Republicans or very strong Democrats often are unbending and will not listen to reason. Their minds are made up of some issues so they are not willing to hear any other points of view. If they do see something objectionable to them, they are quick to respond with extremely negative comments which are often full of hate.

The issue of guns brings out a lot of hate from those who are totally against any type of gun control. Never mind that people are getting killed every day through the use of guns. They may usually be guns that have been obtained legally, but they still kill people. It is unfortunate when young children get hold of guns that have not been properly stored and locked up. Too many accidental shootings have been committed by children. Too many unnecessary deaths have occurred because of adults who decided to shoot someone.

Some people will vote for Trump because he is a strong supporter of the right to bear…



Floyd Mori
The Collector

Floyd Mori, born in Utah, is a former College Teacher, Mayor, CA State Assemblyman, Consultant, and CEO for Nonprofits.