Statue of Liberty — Faulty Idol of False Promises

Statue stands in the middle of its lost purpose. A beacon of immigration or a Celebration of the End of Slavery?

The Mars Girl
The Collector


Source: Wiki

As the world progresses rapidly today, humankind yearns for stories of the past that it can admire or look up to. Therefore, history gets fabricated quite often with tales that sound more intriguing or include support for several cultures rather than just a single one.

Such is the case for Liberty Island in New York City.

Every sculpture in the world has a purpose. Even human beings are beautiful sculptures, each assigned an individual purpose. So, what exactly was the Lady of Liberty built for?

Individual Aspects Makes It Even More Intriguing!

The Statue of Liberty as known famously in every corner of the world came into existence in the year 1886. If we look deeper into it, the Statue of Liberty can be perceived as a composition of statues.

The face of the statue, the torch in the right hand, the draped robe on the statue’s body, and the tablet in its left hand with the date of American independence inscribed over it. All of these components add individual meaning and value to the entire statue.



The Mars Girl
The Collector

A software Engineer who tinkers, reads, code, explore, and break things. Writes about Tech experiences, and Interesting Facts.