A Mughal Tale of Love, Hatred, And BetrayalSalim * Anarkali *Akbar?

The Mars Girl
The Collector
Published in
6 min readJun 15, 2022


The Infamous Anarkali-Salim Story Had Other Roots Which Cherishers Don’t Know Of? Anarkali was not only the source of Tension Between them!

Jehangir on the Left, a Painting of Anarkali in the middle, and on right is Akbar. Image by Author

Akbar and Salim shared a complex relationship. To shackle off some assumptions, it's not owing to the beauty in the middle of them. The reasons cited are numerous. In Mughal Era, the emperor appointed classic mentors and teachers for their kids. Likewise, when Salim was just 8–9 years he was ready to face the war field.

If the historical sources are to be believed, ministers and advisors left no stone unturned to create between Akbar and Salim. There are quotes found from Jehangirnama by Emperor Jehangir which reflect the coldness and communication gap with his father Akbar.

Reasons for Agitation Between Father and Son

1- Abu Fazl’s Scheme

He was an advisor to Akbar who was known to oppose the accession of Prince Salim to the throne. Out of many occasions, one which left a mark on Salim was the accusation by his father himself. When the Prince was 24–25years, Akbar felt seriously ill coupled with a stomach infection. Abu Fazl convinced Akbar that Salim had plotted for this. Without any evidence and supporting facts he called Salim in pain to ask



The Mars Girl
The Collector

A software Engineer who tinkers, reads, code, explore, and break things. Writes about Tech experiences, and Interesting Facts. https://bit.ly/3mtBBF3