
The Baffling Tale of Dorothy Eady

The British woman who claimed to have lived in ancient Egypt

Gregg Newby
The Collector
Published in
7 min readOct 28, 2020


Photograph of Dorothy Eady as a young woman
Dorothy Eady | Public Domain

Here’s a historical head scratcher for you. It’s the tale of Dorothy Eady, a 20th-century Egyptologist of some renown. All her life, she claimed to be the reincarnation of a priestess in the cult of Isis — and seemed to have intimate knowledge to back it up. She even knew details that had never been published.

The Childhood Accident that Started It All

Born in London in 1904 to Irish parents, Eady’s remarkable story began at age three. That was when she fell headlong down a flight of stairs in her home and was knocked unconscious. Accounts disagree on what actually happened next. Some say she was pronounced dead before suddenly reviving. Others claim she merely suffered a rare brain injury of some sort, such as foreign accent syndrome.

Whatever the case, the spill forever altered her. For one thing, her speech patterns had noticeably changed. For another, she kept asking her parents to take her home. When they asked where ‘home’ was, the girl couldn’t say. Her mother and father were understandably baffled.

Sometime within the first year of her accident, Dorothy’s parents brought her to an Egyptian exhibit at the British…



Gregg Newby
The Collector

Words don’t have meaning. They ARE meaning. Stories are the life lines we throw one another.