The Fascinating Tale of Tiffany, the Blue Dog

George Rodrigue’s “Blue Dog” paintings

Kamna Kirti
The Collector


George Rodrigue’s Blue dog
Source-Public Domain

Recently, I stumbled upon a book on Goodreads and the book cover intrigued me. A plain blue cover with two bulging yet mesmerizing yellow eyes on the two extreme corners of the upper half keep staring at me! So without further ado, I began my research to know the backstory of the book Blue Dog by George Rodrigue.

George Rodrigue was born and raised in the heart of French Louisiana. He started painting at the age of three while bedridden with polio. Rodrigue garnered local acclaim by capturing lush Louisiana landscapes and Cajun culture in his paintings. But his popularity catapulted when he focussed on a single subject, known as the Blue Dog series of paintings, featuring a blue-hued dog.

But who was the blue dog and what triggered Rodrigue to paint him on the canvas?

The fascinating tale of the blue dog — Tiffany

Rodrigue in his studio in 2009

In 1984, Rodrigue was commissioned to draw illustrations on Cajun mythology. Now a little background about the Cajun culture — they are the descendants of the French settlers in Acadia. The…



Kamna Kirti
The Collector

Art and life enthusiast. I engage with art at a deep level. I love to document my life experiences. Mama to Yoda 🐕 and Rumi 👨‍👧‍👶