The Importance of George Orwell

One of the most influential writers of the 20th century, a figure who tried to warn future generations of the danger of totalitarianism and the loss of freedoms.

Alejandro Orradre
The Collector
Published in
5 min readDec 4, 2022


These turbulent times we live in, in which states seem to seek more control over their citizens and freedoms are in question, seem to have emerged from the mind of George Orwell.

His importance during the 20th century served to unmask, through his novels, the totalitarianism that arose in Europe between the wars and served as a warning for future generations. The English writer’s remarkable capacity for observation and social analysis helped him to capture his thoughts and fears in literature.

He was known for his facet as a writer, but Orwell was a journalist, something he always emphasized and whose spirit he captured in his writings. That journalistic perspective pushed him to write about the issues that concerned him through fables and works of speculative fiction that were not without terrible truths.

We will focus on his two most famous works to understand many of his works. The most crucial episode in Orwell’s life is worth remembering: his participation in the Spanish Civil War.

