Runner up for the October writing challenge — the collector

The Italian Women of World War II did it All: Family, Work, and Fight

As men were enlisted, women became householders, worked in factories, supported family and friends in need, and some were partisans — everything at the same time.

Richard Bruschi
The Collector
Published in
6 min readOct 20, 2020


Partisan women in Belluno. Photo from Dinamo Press.

Although history books, after an unjust hiatus, don’t hold back on studying and presenting the role Italian women had during World War II, the general public is not as aware of the tremendous stress they had to sustain and the incredible work they accomplished.

This is probably in part because of how the media portrayed that period — focusing on battles between the Allied and the Axis, or partisans’ actions — in part because people wanted to forget the horrors of war, in part because it didn’t fit hard-to-die stereotypes, and in part, because people pivoted on the event to focus on politics. Nevertheless, women supported and held Italy together during World War II; became responsible for order and, against the regime, disorder; and were instrumental in the nation’s reconstruction after.

Work, rights, and women’s rights



Richard Bruschi
The Collector

Renaissance man. Writer, photographer, architect, and editor. Topics about history, architecture, travel, mystery, fitness & health, Italy, the UK, and the PNW.