The Little Boy Did Not Deserve Racism

He was an innocent child

Floyd Mori
The Collector


Photo by Kamran Ch on Unsplash

Racism is a big problem

It happened at an after school recreation facility or club in a city. The little boy went there after school. He was attending a nearby elementary school. This was some years ago before COVID struck. Children went to school normally at that time. Since his mother worked, it was his practice to go to the club after school until she could pick him up.

Usually he had no problems when he was there, but one day he faced racism. The boy did not have black or dark skin. He looked a little different than the mostly white children who he saw at the facility. He was of mixed race.

That day some new boys he had never seen before called him a “monkey” in an accusing tone. He had never heard that before except to refer to the animals in the zoo or in books. He didn’t know what they meant by it, but he could tell that it was a derogatory term in their view.

He did not know at the time that it was racist. He may not have even known what racism was at that point in his life. He had not encountered it previously. He was being bullied.



Floyd Mori
The Collector

Floyd Mori, born in Utah, is a former College Teacher, Mayor, CA State Assemblyman, Consultant, and CEO for Nonprofits.