The Symbolic Meaning of The Garden of Opportunity

A painting by Evelyn De Morgan

The Collector


The Garden of Opportunity by Evelyn De Morgan
Source-Public Domain

The Garden of Opportunity is a Pre-Raphaelite oil on canvas painting created by Evelyn De Morgan in 1892. This painting was never exhibited during the artist’s lifetime. Now it shelters in the De Morgan Foundation in England.

The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood was a group of English artists and poets who initiated a movement in 1848. The artists in this movement made sure to follow the principles of depicting genuine and realistic ideas, articulately studying nature and philosophy, and rejecting conventional and rote learning methods.

The symbolic interpretation of The Garden of Opportunity

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This painting depicts two students who are in “The Garden of Opportunity”. The opportunity is the set of choices given to both the females to choose between knowledge and fleeting pleasures of life.

Each and every element in the painting holds relevance and symbolization. The painter Evelyn De Morgan has left the visualization to the audience whether the two girls choose the wealth offered by Folly and enjoy the transient…



The Collector

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