This Is How Israel Won A War In Under 6 Days

Israel’s massive victory against all odds.

Vishnu Arun
The Collector


The Israeli Troops near West Wall
The Israeli Troops near West Wall

On the 5th of June 1967, the new state of Israel waged a full-fledged war against not one, but three of its Arab neighbors, all at the same time. In a week’s time, the Arabs stared at a humiliating defeat despite housing a massive army and having an upper hand in terms of arms and ammunition. On the other hand, Israel nearly doubled the area under its control in this record-breaking time and the jubilant Israeli soldiers returned home for the weekend to celebrate their victory, while countries across the globe were watching in awe and trying to analyze, how Israel pulled off this seemingly impossible, yet landslide accomplishment.

Backdrop Of The War:

Israel and its Arab neighbors have had several reasons for hatred and bitter recriminations. The Suez Canal one of the most vital waterways in the region, built by the Suez Canal Company passes through Egypt, via which two-thirds of Europe’s oil was transported back in the day. Then Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser decided to nationalize this canal which leads to a series of repercussions from Britain, France, and Israel. This marked the beginning of the Suez crisis.



Vishnu Arun
The Collector

A magical swordsman chasing butterflies through lores, breathing life into the enigmatic shadows of our collective past!