
Two Indian Warriors Who Fought Even After Getting Beheaded — Is It Scientifically Possible?

This is the story of two legendary Indian warriors — Baba Deep Singh and Gora Singh, both of whom are known to have continued fighting their battles, even after getting beheaded.

Mehek Kapoor
The Collector
Published in
10 min readJun 19, 2022


Headless warrior. Credits: Artstation
Headless warrior. Credits: Artstation

How hard it is to endure a small cut on your finger? The pain is unbearable, and even the sight of blood makes us feel sick.

Humanity has come a long way from the time when battles and bloodshed used to be a common sight. Our history might be bloody & gory, but for the last 70 years, we have majorly witnessed peace and harmony in the world.

This story is about two great Indian warriors who are known to have fought as no one else could. We will also look into the fact if it is scientifically possible to do so, or if they are merely tell-tales invented by the oppressed classes, to push some inspiration into the then youth.

Art of Baba Deep Singh. Credits: Reddit user Sukh Kalsi.
Art of Baba Deep Singh. Credits: Reddit user Sukh Kalsi.

Baba Deep Singh

