Weird Women And The Third Space

A feminist space for eccentrics drowning in discourse and tired of being judged

Rebecca W Morris
The Collector


Image Credit: Matteo Delred

I am a feminist and I am tired of talking about feminism.

I first became aware of feminist theory whilst at university studying Theatre and English Literature. I had never really thought too much about it before. I thought the suffragettes had already sorted it and we were all pretty much equal.

I grew up for the most part with my mother who had a successful career. My family more or less operated in different factions as a matriarchy. It was much more complicated than that of course, as it always is. Despite this, I am going to write about feminism and ‘the Third Space’, in the simplest terms possible.

I was an emotional, reactive person growing up. Like many other young women, I had experienced and witnessed the violence of patriarchal ideals firsthand. I was a hothead and didn’t think about it too critically. I just knew if someone stepped out of line with me, or a loved one, they were going to get an earful. It was instinctive, never premeditated.

I later understood where my anger came from. When I read about feminism — Simone de Beaviour, Judith Butler, Hélène Cixous, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak — the feminist OGs, I realized that my anger had a root…



Rebecca W Morris
The Collector

Art, activism, sound and the body. Editor and Contributor to Medium publication, Those Who Were Dancing.