Why a Romantic Artist Turned Pessimistic and Painted Eerily Disturbing Artworks

The secret behind ‘Saturn Devouring His Son’

Kay Kirti
The Collector


Saturn Devouring His Son. This is probably the most famous of the Black Paintings

Francisco Goya was a legendary Spanish artist who was accorded the title of the first ‘modern artist’. His initial career was marked with Rococo-style paintings portraying drama, peasantry, and exuberance. But between 1819–1823, he illustrated a series of dark and disturbing paintings that were discovered 50 years later from his country house in the outskirts of Madrid.

An ancient crone grins ghoulishly over a bowl of food, an evil-looking figure whispers in the ear of an old man, a drowning dog lost in an unidentifiable mass, and the most disturbing out of them is the demonic figure with protruding eyes swallowing the body of his own child.

What exactly happened to Goya in his latter years of life and why did he paint such grotesque and satanic images which are called the Black Paintings?

Why did Goya paint disturbing images?

The Black Paintings were a series of fourteen paintings painted by Goya between 1819 and 1823. These paintings were intense and glorified demonic figures.

Flashback to Goya’s childhood, who lived in the city of Zaragoza, Spain with a middle-class background. At the…



Kay Kirti
The Collector

Art and life enthusiast. I engage with art at a deep level. I love to document my life experiences. Mama to Yoda 🐕 and Rumi 👨‍👧‍👶