A Letter to my Graduating Brother

Sravya Vishnubhatla
The College Admit Guru
2 min readAug 3, 2016

Congratulations on graduating! For the past seven or so years, you’ve been taller and bigger than me and gotten mixed up for being the older brother at least a thousand times. Today, though, I can finally say that you are officially a real person.

Today, you can say with 100% confidence that you are smarter than all the Kardashians, simply because you graduated from high school. So kudos. I’m sooo incredibly proud of you.

No, but in all seriousness, it doesn’t end here. You have college to attend and an impactful and bright future in front of you. There’s a novel full of advice that I could provide about college, having gone through it myself and made numerous good, bad, and questionable decisions. Today isn’t about the advice and lectures that I have to give, though. Today’s about celebrating all you’ve accomplished in your 18 years so far, and all you have to accomplish in the future.

I’ve never been incredibly verbose with my emotions or speeches, and today is no different. There’s a reason you always see me dancing at these parties. In fact, I was shocked when mom reminded me to come up with something to say — I’m pretty sure you didn’t give a speech for my graduation. But, alas, those are the perks of being a younger child.

So, with that in mind, let’s wrap this up. You’ve done incredible things so far in your life and you have matured from a small annoying boy to a large annoying boy. Keep up the good work and I can’t wait to see how our relationship grows and how your career unfolds in the years ahead.

— Sravya Vishnubhatla, Founder & CEO

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