Introducing: The Sneeze Project

Esteban Gast
The ComeBack Kids
Published in
2 min readMay 17, 2015

Our world is more divided than ever. We face riots, gangs, fights, and angry stares almost every day. Often, the things that seek to unite us end up dividing us. Like a U2 album, jean shorts, or a BudLight advertising campaign.

We have become too accustomed to seeing our neighbors as enemies and spend too little time thinking about how we are all the same: human-shaped bags of bones, blood and mucus.

It’s time to think deeply about the questions that matter most.

Isn’t it time to remind us about the things that make us most human? Isn’t it time that we remember what truly brings us together?

Isn’t it time that we remember, that everyone, regardless of creed, gender, religion, height or sexuality has the ability to sneeze?

That’s why, we proudly present The Sneeze Project.

The Sneeze Project is an interactive social media campaign reminding the people of the world that we all sneeze.

North Koreans sneeze. Kate Middleton sneezes. We all sneeze. We are all the same people living in the same world affected by the same things like pollen and dust. We all sneeze.

Instead of offering your neighbor a clenched fist and a bad attitude, offer them a tissue and…well that’s it. But a tissue is a good start.

Scared of your boss? Remember s/he sneezes too. Scared of your wife? S/he sneezes. We all sneeze.

People of all colors, genders, religions, and creeds sneeze. Even the members of the band Creed sneeze.

We are one people with mucous. We are one people with fluid leakage in our nose. We are the ones who sneeze.

So, for the month of June, change your profile picture to a picture of you sneezing, in a world-wide effort to show that we are all the same.

The Sneeze Project: We are all one people. People who sneeze.



Esteban Gast
The ComeBack Kids

This is a place in the internet where I write things. Some silly, some not. The best are both.