15 Reasons Why You Should Always Trust Social Media

I wish someone would have told me about this gold mine of knowledge sooner

Kyle Mann
The Comedy Kitchen


Image by natanaelginting

In this age of technological enlightenment, one might find themselves submerged in a veritable ocean of information. Fear not, for there is a beacon of truth shining in the murky depths: social media!

Let’s dive into the wonderful world of digital camaraderie and discover why you should always trust social media, the glorious bastion of infallible knowledge that it is.

1. All information is accurate

First and foremost, we all know that the Internet is a magical land where everything you read is 100% accurate. Why bother with fact-checking when our beloved social media platforms serve as the ultimate truth-seekers?

Forget cross-referencing, verified sources, and critical thinking — social media is here to do all the heavy lifting for you.

2. The more followers, the more accurate

In the realm of social media, the number of followers one has is directly proportional to the accuracy of their posts. With every additional follower, the truthiness of their content only grows stronger.

After all, if a million people follow someone, they simply must know what they’re talking about, right? Remember, popularity is an ironclad guarantee of truth, and who are we to question the collective wisdom of the masses?

3. Everyone is an expert

Social media is a haven for experts in every field, from medicine to politics. Everyone is well-versed in their respective subjects, and you can always trust their opinions — no need to doubt their credibility or qualifications.

Remember, that guy with the username “Dr. TacoCat47” is probably a highly esteemed physician, and you should definitely trust his medical advice.

4. Misinformation? What misinformation?

Misinformation on social media? Perish the thought! Surely, no one would ever dream of posting something less than 100% accurate. People are far too noble for that. As a matter of fact, social media is like a modern-day oracle, bestowing only the purest of truths upon its devout followers.

Just like the noble honeybee, social media feeds on the nectar of facts and produces the sweet honey of knowledge.

5. Unparalleled mental health benefits

Who needs meditation, exercise, or a balanced diet when you have social media? Bask in the glory of “likes,” “shares,” and “retweets” to achieve a state of inner peace and happiness.

Never mind the studies suggesting social media can lead to anxiety and depression — those researchers must be doing it wrong.

6. Photoshop? Pssh, more like truth-enhancing

Do you ever come across images on social media that seem too good to be true? Well, that’s because they are true! The use of Photoshop and other image-editing tools only serve to enhance the truth of an image, bringing it to its full potential.

Who needs boring reality when we have the artistically enhanced versions of events that social media provides? Embrace the beautifully filtered world, where every sunset is a little more breathtaking and every selfie a little more perfect.

7. A true connection to reality

If you’re looking for a genuine, unfiltered view of the world, look no further than social media. It’s a world where everyone is always happy, successful, and living their best life, so why not join in the fun?

Forget about the mundane, day-to-day struggles that life throws at us; social media is the epitome of reality and authenticity.

8. Drama-free environment

Social media is the ultimate safe space, free of drama, hostility, or negativity. It’s a place where people come together to support each other and engage in respectful, constructive conversations. Never mind the trolls and keyboard warriors; they’re just part of the charm.

9. Privacy is overrated

Why bother with privacy when you can share every aspect of your life on social media? After all, everyone is dying to know what you ate for breakfast, how many hours you spent at the gym, or what you think about the latest celebrity gossip.

And, of course, we all know that social media platforms would never, ever sell or misuse your personal information.

10. Social media is totally not biased

You know how people say that social media platforms have biases? Pfft. That’s just a conspiracy theory. Social media is totally impartial and doesn’t have any ulterior motives.

Just because these platforms are owned by a few mega-corporations with a history of questionable business practices doesn’t mean they are trying to manipulate you in any way.

11. Influencers always tell the truth

Why would anyone with a million followers lie to their audience? It’s not like they have a financial incentive to promote certain products or services.

Influencers always give their honest opinion, and you should definitely take their advice on everything from skincare to politics.

12. Memes are the most reliable source of information

Who needs fact-checking when you have memes? Memes are the most accurate way to learn about the world around you.

Don’t believe what you read in textbooks or news articles — trust the memes. They are created by highly qualified experts who have studied the topic extensively.

13. Conspiracy theories are the absolute truth

Sure, the mainstream media and scientific consensus might tell you one thing, but who will you believe — them or a random guy on Facebook who has clearly done his research?

Everyone knows conspiracy theories are the absolute truth, and you should base all your beliefs and actions on them.

14. The infinitely accurate chain messages

The great chain messages of social media, passed down from one user to another like sacred texts, are undoubtedly the ultimate source of accurate information.

These modern-day digital scrolls, often adorned with dire warnings of impending doom, should always be taken at face value.

Remember, if a message urges you to share it with ten friends to avoid misfortune, the consequences of ignoring such wisdom could be catastrophic. Don’t question it, just share it.

15. Social media is a safe and nurturing environment

Social media platforms are designed to foster healthy and respectful conversations.

There is no hate speech, cyberbullying, or disinformation on these platforms. If you ever feel uncomfortable or threatened, just report the offending content to the platform and they will take swift action to protect you.

Basically, there is no reason not to trust social media. It’s a perfectly safe and reliable source of information that has never led anyone astray.

So the next time someone tells you to fact-check before sharing something on social media, just roll your eyes and hit that “share” button. After all, what could possibly go wrong?

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