Developer Spotlight — Mage Fort by Fuzzy Code Studio

The Comet
Published in
3 min readAug 17, 2018

Welcome to the first in a new series of blog posts, where we will be featuring the teams and people behind some of the great games on Craater!

Today we’re featuring Erica, the solo developer behind Fuzzy Code Studio and the game Mage Fort.

The Game

Mage Fort is a co-op game where tower defense meets magical action. Master multiple mage classes as you build, repair, and defend against hordes of enemies. Featuring full controller support and 1–4 player co-op, Mage Fort is an awesome game to play with friends, both online and on the couch.

Also it has cat cannons, need we say more?

Get a copy and support Erica and Fuzzy Code Studio.

Mage Fort gameplay trailer

The Developer

How long have you been creating games? What got you started?

Erica — It’s been about 4 years now. I had been laid off and wanted to do something on my own. I started making little Java apps.. I had a lot of fun making some silly & immature games. A friend said “Hey, you should be a game dev!”. I kind of just went with it after that.

What was your biggest inspiration behind Mage Fort?

E — I love local co-op games! Games like PixelJunk Monsters, Magicka, Bomberman, etc. I wanted to make a defensively themed game that you can play with friends (ideally in the same room!)

Could you tell us a bit about your process and timeline for building Mage Fort?

E — Mage Fort was my first time using Unity so I spent the first few months just learning. After awhile I started to feel more competent with Unity so I started planning out and building early pieces of the game. I thought it would take me about a year, but ended up being closer to two to finish it.

I don’t consider myself a super organized person, but my process involves making a lot of lists on sticky notes and then crossing off items.

Exploding cat cannons will make quick work of any enemies.

What surprised you while developing Mage Fort? What kind of unexpected challenges did you encounter?

E — It surprised me how powerful Unity is. I wasn’t expecting some of the harassment online.

After I released Mage Fort, someone went through the trouble to gather my personal info and pics and post them on a well known anonymous website where the “discussion” was mostly about my appearance and gender.

My advice is to curate your social media conservatively. There’s also the video game adage: If you encounter enemies, you’re going the right way!

What future plans do you have for Mage Fort, and what’s next for you?

E — I’m happy with how Mage Fort turned out and I’ve started another project called Miner Lou.

Miner Lou follows Lou’s journey to save some star babies. It’s a defense game where you create a labyrinth of gem towers, traps, and minions. It’ll be for PC & mobile.

All technology and budget issues aside, what would be your dream game project?

E — Unlimited money? Time to make a Virtual Reality MMO on an epic scale!

Do you have any advice that you’d want to share with other aspiring indie developers?

E — Find a healthy daily routine. Eat well, exercise, and develop resilience/grit.

Mage Fort features multiple mage classes, so you can find the one for your play style!

Stay up to date with Erica’s development of Mage Fort and Miner Lou by following her on Twitter!

Interested in being featured in a future Developer Spotlight? Let us know!



The Comet

Sometimes I make things | @CraaterPowered | ☕🔫🔫