An open micer’s POV

A few semi-useful tips picked up during my first year in comedy

Ravi Rao
The Comic Curry
3 min readJul 16, 2018


Image: Take5, Indiranagar, Bengaluru (show every Monday)

I need to start this by saying I know close to nothing about comedy. For an art form that’s been around for close to a century now, someone like me who has been a part of the ecosystem for merely a year is nothing but a drop in a massive ocean that is filled with some fuckin’ funny drops.

When we got together to start this publication, we decided that one section needs to be dedicated to the different aspects of standup comedy and the life of comedians. What to do, how to write, how to improve etc. Now I’m not the right person to tell you what to do if you’re someone who wants to start. But if you’re someone who’s contemplating hitting open mics and starting standup, here’s a few tips on what NOT to do. Follow these to make sure your career doesn’t end before it even starts.

1. Be regular to open mics

As regular as possible. Preferably everyday. Maybe even multiple times a day if you can get the spots and an audience. Keep hitting open mics to develop your material. Make it a habit. Soon you’ll reach a place in life where you won’t know what to do with yourself if you don’t have a spot so you’ll just drink yourself to sleep.

2. Talk to other comics

The more you talk to comics, the more it helps broaden your perspective. These are your peers. There are billions of people in the world. That’s billions of different perspectives. There’s no telling when a tag from a fellow comedian can help elevate your joke all that more. Nothing to lose.

3. DO NOT steal material

This is probably the fastest way to get yourself noticed, and not in the right way. If there’s someone else doing a bit, do not do it. Period. There are many ways to reframe or rewrite a bit. Do that. Also, where’s the fun in getting laughs for shit you didn’t write?

4. Do not be late

Producers put a lot into running rooms and open mics. On top of that, they’ve GIVEN you a spot. Respect that. If you’re doing multiple spots, inform the individual producers. There are dozens of others who will be willing to take your spot.

5. Avoid going overtime

It annoys producers and venue runners. It’s cool, take the time you’re given and try killing the hardest within that. There’s not much more an additional couple of minutes can add to your set. Wait for the flash, wrap up, fuck off.

6. Don’t shit on the audience too much

They’re our audience man. They’re the ones who take the effort to go on to BMS and book tickets and come. Don’t worship them either. Ribbing is cool as long as you know where the line is.

7. Have fun

This whole charade is pointless if being on stage feels like ‘a job’. Most comics enjoy the rush of being on stage. A great set will put you to sleep at night. A huge bomb makes a great story. Just do your thing and enjoy the ride.

The above points, you probably know. They might not guarantee you success. But following these might reduce your chances of failing.

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Ravi Rao
The Comic Curry

Writer, Standup Comic, Alcoholic. In no particular order.