Let me guess... You love to travel?

Have you thought of being a full time traveler?

Rupen Paul
The Comic Curry
4 min readJul 17, 2018


Photo by Vladislav Babienko on Unsplash

Not so long ago I was in a meeting and we had to each introduce ourselves. 11 out of 12 people said they loved to travel. Most Instagram profiles have the word traveler written somewhere. If you ask someone in a job they hate what they would rather be doing you can be assured that many would say “travel”. I get that travel is good and it helps you escape the mundane monotony of life but my only question is how can it be something you do with your life?

You don’t want a horrible job. I get that. You don’t want to be stuck in a cubicle. That makes sense too. You hate the commute to work [which is ironic for a traveler…] but I understand. But now you want to quit everything and just travel? You would rather say no to financial freedom and stability than to sit on top of a waterfall worrying about your dwindling bank balance? Really? Are you saying you won’t have that thought ever? That your bank balances are not increasing at all? Money is not important? The mountains will just help you escape?

How do you just travel for the rest of your life? As opposed to slogging your ass off at work attending meetings, sending emails, making reports etc. you would rather sit on a beach and have a cold drink. That cold drink would get over in 20 minutes and then what would you do for the remaining 15 hours 40 minutes of your waking day? Bungee Jumping you say? Cool let me factor that for you. That takes 2 days. One day to jump and the second day to go through all the notifications on the “Bucket List Item Crossed” post you put up on your social media. You still have 5 days remaining of your week. Any plans to fill those days up? Hiking? Cool that takes care of day 3. While we are it let me throw in going shopping to the local market and spending time with the Locals on day 4. Day 5 is for swimming, having a good meal, an afternoon nap post which you wake up read a book and spend the remaining time drinking with your fellow travelers. Day 6 could be for recovering from a hangover, taking a walk across the farms and eating a meal with the farmers after which they show you their local dance and sing you their folk songs which you pretend to like. And let me guess on Sunday you want a break from you hectic week.

So there you go, That is your travel work week. But now you’ve quit your job and have to do this the rest of your life. So you are going to travel to another country to do the same. But you said you hate monotony?

I am not saying travel is a bad thing. You can find jobs that let you travel to exotic locations. Travel hosts for television, authors, musicians or any performing artist or even corporate jobs. But travel just for the sake of travel (for the rest of your life)seems a little empty. But that maybe just me being the judgmental grump that I am. But this is my blog… screw you! (?)

I think it is safe to say that we all love to take a vacation and that’s a good thing. If your life is taxing, plan a vacation right now. But just think things through before you take a vacation for the rest of your life. Imagine if you are a full time traveler and need a break. Then what do you do to break your monotony? Take up a job?



Rupen Paul
The Comic Curry

Stand up Comedian, podcast host and writer. I am a grump who hates grumpy people.