The Widely Misunderstood Generation.

what every generation thinks of the other.

Suhas Navaratna
The Comic Curry
3 min readJul 13, 2018


We are the dreamers, the thinkers, the innovators. We are the torch bearers of free speech and the rights for the LGBTQ community. We are feminists, we are liberal!! In short we are supposed to be awesome. There is one particular short coming that exists within our generation though. We are widely misunderstood.

“Nobody understands me, nobody feels what I feel, nobody ever tries to get to know the real me!” I hear quite a lot of friends say to me. I too feel the same most of the time. It’s just something that has derailed the thoughts of most people today.

I don’t know when it started, but I believe it was somewhere in the 90s. There must have been a man or woman wearing something silly looking, something that normal conventional people would mock and laugh at. That person would have looked into your soul, through the television set or the writings in a newspaper or their sound might have reverberated in your head from the radio you sometimes listened to.

“Be whatever you want to be and don’t give a fuck about what others think of you!” That person would have said. That one sentence changed the way the people of the world would view themselves. For a long time, people were supposed to adhere to certain norms. They were made to bend to the will of the system. Imagine a factory conveyor belt with different shapes of wood(read people), machines(the system) would cut them up and shape them into a similar looking shape(let’s think of that shape to be a square). This factory was then burnt down by that one statement. Not entirely, there are quite a lot of people still working there(okay I lost control of the metaphor).

People then started thinking about themselves. Their characters started to grow unencumbered, their personalities developed in different shades. They no longer had to stay in the dark and no longer had to abide by the rules laid down by a long forgotten past. They were free, they felt alive. Like all things go, if there is an up then there must be a down.

The thing about having a unique personality is that you are in essence different from a lot of people. We are a generation of the unique. This I believe is one of the primary reasons for us being misunderstood. You are so damn unique that people can’t find a thread of relatability to connect with you. Of course no one will understand you, you barely understand yourself.

I went to a family function recently and saw two generations at the place. The old generation, our papas and mammas. They were having a ball. They were talking about their lives(all of them were eerily similar). The men spoke about how their wives were a pain the ass(again, eerily all of them had stories on this), they complained about what a disappointment their children were.

“My son dyed his hair red, can you believe that!”, said one uncle.

“That’s nothing, my daughter got a tongue piercing”, said another.

They were oddly having fun. They were all connected to each other by multiple threads of relatability. Sure, for some of them the system whacked the relatability into them, but they were still connected.

The other side was my generation, barely making eye contact with one another, on our phones, giving single word replies to any question that comes our way. It was a sad sight.

I never thought I’d say this, but daaamn it’s going to get tougher for the generations to follow. Who knew that peer pressure, was kind of a good thing. Everything in moderation is good... Right?

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