Work Day Slump

Jess Kaisk
1 min readAug 25, 2016


CC0 Public Domain

It felt as though the day was dragging, extra hours added by some cruel mistake of the clock. Tuesday felt like a second Monday. She watched its pendulum move back and forth rhythmically.


Voices around her ebbed and flowed, the gentle repetitive duties of office work going on around her, filling the space with the tapping and scratching of random equipment and phones. She crossed and uncrossed her legs to the time of the clock, each quarter hour signaling the shifting of her body. Rolling her neck from side to side, she tried to soften the tension that seemed permanently embedded in her tissues. To no avail. She checked her calendar, added her meetings and events. She kept herself uselessly busy, a volunteer to the endless musings of her tired mind. All she wanted was a sign, but it seemed as evasive as that million dollars she kept wishing for. Picking up her phone, she stared at the way the light flowed through the cracks in her screen…damn glass phones. No notifications, not a single text. She couldn’t tell if she was relieved or hurt. She didn’t know if she could tell the difference anymore.


