Submitting to The Commoner

Samuel Clarke
The Commoner
Published in
1 min readFeb 21, 2020

The Commoner is open to any and all submissions, which will be judged on how well they fit in with the following themes of:

  1. Common Ownership
  2. Anti-Capitalism
  3. The Deconstruction of Hierarchy

You don’t have to be an anarchist to write for us (though it helps), but do keep in mind that this publication supports anarchism overall, and will reject articles that support marxist-leninist or statist projects (no tankies, sorry).

Any other expectations follow those of Medium’s Curation Guidelines, so that means clear titles, images, and well-referenced articles. Not too formal, mind, but with a semi-academic tone.

If you’re interested, do contact us at, either with a draft, proposal, or fully-fledged article.


The Commoner

